
Date Title
2024/03/09 Pengenalan digit tertulis pada formulir C1-Plano (bagian 1: pra-pemrosesan citra)
2023/08/18 K-Means untuk ekstraksi palet warna
2023/05/04 Tentang dekorator @property di Python
2023/05/04 LLM: pengetahuan kedaluarsa dan proses melupakan masa lalu
2023/04/27 Tentang representation learning pada neural network classifier
2023/01/13 On Markov's and Chebyshev's inequality [🇬🇧]
2023/01/08 Communication between programs (in any languages) with named pipes [🇬🇧]
2022/10/16 Programming decision tree classifier in C (and wrapping it in golang) [🇬🇧]
2022/01/20 Sudah ada NumPy, kenapa pakai Pandas?
2021/12/28 Chatterjee's rank correlation [🇬🇧]
2021/12/01 Wirth's Law
2021/10/27 Menjadi biasa-biasa saja di zona nyaman
2020/03/11 Menjadi diri sendiri
2020/01/21 Deep learning is not really the future of AI [🇬🇧]