About me

Technical skills and tools

In alphabetical order: AWS, C, Computer Vision, Compute Shader, CUDA, Data Analytics, Docker, Domain Adaptation, Git, Image Processing, LaTeX, Linux, Machine Learning, Python, PyTorch, Research Methods, Rust, SQL, Systems Programming, Technical Writing, Vim, WGPU


Other online presence

Github / Twitter / Google Scholar

About this website

This website is my personal website, where I write about my projects, my thoughts, and sometimes my life. Though I wish this website can be useful for others, I mostly write to express myself as the priority.

Errata policy

If you find any errors (typographical, code, math equation, anything), please let me know by one of the following ways:


This website is written mostly in English, but I also write articles in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Articles written in English are marked with [🇬🇧] sign. I am not a native English speaker, but I will try my best.

Website technical details

This website is statically generated using a custom golang program and hosted on GitHub Pages. It simply reads the markdown files and generates the html files and provides required assets. It is not that complicated, anyway. If you are smart enough, you can probably figure out how it works by looking at the source code of this website.

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│ Copyright 2014-2024 Aria Ghora Prabono. Any and all opinions       │
│ listed here are personal unless stated otherwise.                  │
│                                                                    │